Explore: sides and interior angles of a polygon

Question: Suppose a convex polygon has exactly 4 obtuse interior angles. What is the maximum number of the sides of such a polygon?

Hints behind the information

  1. Convex polygon?A polygon with all its interior angles less than 180°
  2. exactly 4 obtuse interior angles: 90°<obtuse angle<180° (Hint: the other interior anlges ≤ 90°) 
  3. maximum number of the sides? What’s the relationship between sides and interior angles?

Let’s use regular polygons to explore as all the regular polygons are convex polygons.

Visual Observation: sides and interior angles

Observation 1:

Observation 2:

Observation 3:

Conclusion about sides and interior angles:

So far, we can conclude that to get the maximum number of sides, the interior angles should be as great as possible.

Combine the conclusion & information:

4 obtuse angles + 3 right angles = 7 angels –> 7 sides

Use formula and inequality  

The sum of interior angles = (n-2)∙180°

This sum should be less than the sum under the maximum situation. But what is the maximum situation?

exactly 4 obtuse interior angles implies:

Inequality: Sum < the maximum situation

This polygon has 7 sides at most. It can be a heptagon

Test your evolution

A convex polygon with 4n+2 sides can be expressed as A1A2A3—A(4n+2). If each interior angle is a multiple of 30 degrees and∠𝐴1=∠𝐴2=∠𝐴3=90°, find the value of n.

Can you use the above-mentioned methods to solve this question?

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